The Montgomery City Missouri Area Chamber of Commerce is a 100% volunteer organization.
Your support if greatly appreciated.
2025 Chamber of Commerce Officers:
ByLaws & Articles of Incorporation
Board Member-Company/Membership (term expires)
1. David Reagan - ServPro (exp 2025)
2. Vanessa Gonzalaz - Fair Market, Inc. (exp 2025)
3. Karen Creech - Individual Member (exp 2025)
4. Paula Mills - Peoples Savings Bank (exp 2026)
5. Dale Hawkins - Scott Agency (exp 2026)
6. Tracy Bottoms et al - Montgomery County R-II (exp 2026)
7. Desiree Peak - Individual Member (exp 2027)
8. Brian Bufka - 1st Place Printing (exp 2027)
9 Jeff Arens - My Office Plus (exp 2027)
This set of bylaws is not official. It is intended to be as current as possible, but may or may not be the most current version available. You can contact the president of the Chamber if you are unsure.